Data Platform

Easiest way to deploy Databricks on Your Data Stack

What is Databricks?

Databricks provides a collaborative environment for data processing and machine learning on a massive scale. Its unified lakehouse architecture streamlines workflows, allowing data teams to work on a single platform from ingestion to insights. With its open, standards-based setup, it integrates effortlessly with various tools, facilitating secure data sharing across platforms. It shines in scalability, handling everything from basic data operations to complex algorithms like large language models efficiently. In the era of data-centric business strategies, Databricks empowers teams to unlock valuable insights quickly, turning raw data into actionable intelligence, crucial for staying competitive.

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Why is Databricks better on Shakudo?

Why is Databricks better on Shakudo?

Why deploy Databricks with Shakudo?

Stress-Free infrastructure

Deploy Shakudo easily on your VPC, on-premise, or on our managed infrastructure, and use the best data and AI tools the next day.

Integrate with everything

Empower your team with seamless integration to the most popular data and AI frameworks and tools they want to use.

Streamlined Workflow

Automate your DevOps completely with Shakudo, so that you can focus on building and launching solutions.

Use data and AI products inside your infrastructure

Chat with one of our experts to answer your questions about your data stack, data tools you need, and deploying Shakudo on your cloud.
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