AI for


Empowering Professional Sports Teams with Data and AI Excellence


At Shakudo, we operate on a philosophy of extensibility. We seamlessly plug into your existing infrastructure, Git repos and development environments to ensure you never have to lift and shift your workloads. By being fully self hosted, you never have to worry about your data leaving your four walls, or moving to any external vendor.

Use Cases for AI in Sports

Shakudo is proud to be working with leading Sports organziations on many AI use cases, including:

Data Ingestion / Storage / Preparation

Seamlessly unifying operational data from various sources into a unified platform.

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Fan Engagement

Gain a comprehensive view of your fans’ journeys as they engage with your team, and opportunities to provide customized offerings.

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Data Summarization

Utilize LLMs for efficient data transcription and summarization, including social media and news.

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AI/Machine Learning

Leverage ML for use cases like revenue predictions, demand forecasting and food and beverage consumption.

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The Burden of Operational Data Silos 

In the realm of professional sports, analytics have revolutionized the way teams approach their games. However, the game-changing potential of data isn't limited to the field – it extends to the back office as well. Just as your team crafts a game plan for victory, your team needs a data strategy to gain a competitive edge. Innovative teams are taking steps towards incorporating AI into their daily operating practices. While this might sound easy, there are hurdles to doing this effectively. A scalable data foundation that adapts as the organization's needs evolve is essential.

Why Industry Leaders in Sports Choose Shakudo

Seamless Data Integration

Shakudo simplifies the integration of diverse data sources through user-friendly tools like Airbyte. We ensure a seamless connection to any data source, and remove the need for custom integrations. Whether it’s market, supplier, contractor, or tenant data, the platform has it covered.

Robust ETL Pipelines

Leveraging tools such as Airflow, Dagster, and Prefect, the platform offers robust Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) pipelines. These pipelines form the backbone of a reliable data ecosystem, ensuring data flows consistently and continuously throughout the grocery chain's data stack.

Access to Powerful BI Tools

The platform brings immediate access to leading Business Intelligence (BI) tools like PowerBI, Superset, Looker, and more. This access empowers commercial real estate organizations comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

Data and AI in a Single Platform

Beyond the data and business intelligence, Shakudo offers direct access to leading AI solutions like vector databases, large language models (LLMs), model experiment tracking, and more.

Shakudo Enterprise Data Platform

Shakudo: The Operating System for the Data Stack

Unlock the full potential of data and AI within your professional sports team with Shakudo. Join us in harnessing the power of your data to make strategic decisions and drive success both on and off the field!

Thank you.

We’ll be in touch shortly. In the meantime, feel free to check out our latest data insights, Shakudo success stories, and resources that help data teams win.
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