
Use Case

Chat with Enterprise Knowledge Base Using AI Assistants


Trusted By Industry Leaders

AI-Powered Knowledge Discovery: Revolutionizing Enterprise Information Access

Shakudo transforms enterprise knowledge management by seamlessly integrating AI-driven chat assistants with comprehensive data pipelines. This solution enables effortless information retrieval, enhances collaboration, and accelerates decision-making processes across the organization. By providing a unified platform for deploying and managing these advanced tools, Shakudo empowers businesses to unlock the full potential of their institutional knowledge while ensuring data security and governance.

  • Natural language querying of diverse enterprise data sources
  • Automated data cataloging and metadata management for improved discoverability
  • Customizable AI assistant interfaces tailored to specific business needs
  • Recommended Data & AI Stack

    Transform your organization's knowledge management with an AI-powered enterprise chat solution. This system breaks down information silos, dramatically improving employee productivity and decision-making across all levels of your company.

    Airbyte consolidates data from disparate sources, while Qdrant and Elasticsearch provide lightning-fast semantic and full-text search capabilities. This ensures that employees can instantly access the most relevant information, regardless of where it's stored.

    DataHub enhances data discovery and governance, while n8n automates complex workflows, further streamlining operations. Dify allows for rapid creation and deployment of custom AI applications, tailoring the solution to your specific business needs.

    The outcome is a significant reduction in time spent searching for information, faster onboarding of new employees, and more informed decision-making at all levels. Traditionally, building such a system could take 6-12 months. With Shakudo, you can have a functional prototype in days, allowing for rapid iteration and value realization.


    Driving Innovation Across Industries

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    | global real estate investment

    "We chose Shakudo over alternatives because it gave us the flexibility to use the data stack components that fit our needs knowing that we can evolve the stack to keep up with the industry. Deployment was a breeze compared to other Enterprise deployment cycles."

    Neal Gilmore

    Senior Vice President, Enterprise Data & Analytics
    @ QuadReal Property Group
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    | climate-based financial risk

    "With the help of the Shakudo platform, we were able to massively scale our production pipelines, while working collaboratively to meet our product goals."

    Andrew Wiebe

    Chief Science Officer @ RiskThinking.AI
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    | Digital Experience Intelligence

    "Almost overnight, Shakudo's product helped us move past many of those struggles so we could focus on solving business problems instead of scaling infrastructure."

    Adam Dille

    SVP of Product & Engineering @ Quantum Metric
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    | Energy payments platform

    "Not very often I find slam dunk products like Shakudo!"

    Mike Kirkup

    Chief Technology Officer @ EnPowered
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    | Basketball Team

    "In the last two months, we’ve been able to produce four applications that amount to $100,000 in terms of return on operation, so real efficiency gains."

    Ben Levicki

    AI Solutions Architect @ Cleveland Cavaliers