Choose the Right Data Tools for Your Company

Use the Best Data and AI Tools on Your Infrastrucutre

Try the Shakudo Data Stack Recommender to get instant data tool recommendations that are specifically tailored to your business use case.
Llama 2
Llama 2
Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka
Great Expectations
Great Expectations
Weights & Biases
Weights & Biases
Apache Spark
Apache Spark
Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter Notebook
Apache Superset
Apache Superset
Use Case Suggestion:
An AI system could be developed for optimizing basketball team rotations based on player performance data. The AI model would analyze various factors like player statistics, game results, and team dynamics to recommend optimal player rotations during games, ensuring the team's success and player well-being.
Data storage and management for storing player performance data and game statistics in a scalable and secure manner.
Data storage and management for storing player performance data and game statistics in a scalable and secure manner.
Data storage and management for storing player performance data and game statistics in a scalable and secure manner.
Data storage and management for storing player performance data and game statistics in a scalable and secure manner.
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AI Data Stack Recommender


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The Data and AI Operating System That Runs on Your Infrastructure

Shakudo creates compatibility across the best-of-breed data tools for a more reliable, performant, and cost effective data and AI operating system.

In today's data-driven world, finding the right tools for your data stack can be a daunting task. Shakudo simplifies this process with its Data Stack Recommender Tool, designed for organizations of all sizes aiming to streamline their workflows and improve efficiency.

What is a Data Stack and Why is it Crucial for Your Organization?

A data stack encompasses the array of technologies and tools organizations employ to manage and process data effectively. It's the backbone of a data-driven enterprise, enabling efficient handling of vast data volumes, which is critical for informed decision-making.

A modern data stack typically includes tools for data integration, storage, processing, analytics, and visualization. Popular components of an open source data stack include the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) for log management and analysis, Apache Spark for large-scale data processing, and Grafana for visualization.

Consider a retail giant like Amazon. Their data stack, comprising tools like Apache Kafka for real-time data processing and Snowflake for cloud data warehousing, allows them to handle millions of transactions seamlessly. This infrastructure doesn't just store data; it empowers them to perform advanced data analytics, adjust pricing strategies dynamically using data science techniques, and predict demand trends with remarkable accuracy.

In essence, a data stack isn't just a collection of tools; it's a strategic asset that fuels innovation and competitiveness. By investing in a robust stack tailored to their needs, organizations can unlock the true potential of their data, driving growth and staying ahead of the curve.

How Does the Data Stack Recommender Tool Work?

Shakudo's Data Stack Recommender Tool serves as a valuable resource for organizations seeking tailored data solutions. Unlike traditional approaches to selecting data tools, our platform streamlines the process with its user-friendly interface and advanced algorithms. Here's how it operates:

User-Friendly Interface: Begin by inputting your organization's specific objectives and requirements into the tool. Whether you're prioritizing data security, processing efficiency, or visualization capabilities, Shakudo ensures personalized recommendations tailored to your unique needs.

Tailored Recommendations: Leveraging an AI recommendation system, the tool analyzes the provided information to offer a curated selection of data tools. These recommendations encompass a blend of established solutions and cutting-edge technologies, guaranteeing a robust data stack optimized for performance and reliability.

Example in Action: Consider a scenario where a fintech startup aims to expedite credit decisions through real-time data processing. By utilizing our tool, the startup would receive recommendations tailored to their precise requirements. This might include a combination of high-performance databases and real-time analytics tools, empowering the startup to make informed decisions swiftly and efficiently.

Shakudo's Data Stack Recommender Tool makes the process of selecting data tools easier by offering personalized recommendations based on specific organizational needs. Whether you're a startup seeking to accelerate growth or an established enterprise aiming to optimize operations, our platform ensures a data stack that aligns seamlessly with your objectives.

What Are the Benefits of Using Shakudo for Your Data Stack Needs?

Shakudo offers a comprehensive solution for managing data stacks, catering to the latest trends and needs of organizations, especially in the context of the recent hype surrounding Large Language Models (LLMs). For organizations concerned about data privacy and security, Shakudo presents an ideal solution by allowing them to host their own LLMs without the need to send data to external APIs like OpenAI. This capability not only ensures data confidentiality but also empowers organizations to leverage the capabilities of LLMs while maintaining full control over their data infrastructure.

Shakudo seamlessly integrates with a variety of data and AI tools, enabling organizations to build robust data stacks tailored to their specific requirements. Whether it's hosting LLMs or integrating with other essential tools such as databases and visualization platforms, Shakudo streamlines the process, reducing complexity and enhancing operational efficiency.

Shakudo provides extensive customization options to meet the unique needs of each organization. From configuring data pipelines to implementing access controls and security measures, Shakudo empowers organizations to build data stacks that align with their business objectives and compliance requirements, such as SOC 2 certification.

Deploying and managing data stacks with Shakudo is effortless. Automated provisioning, configuration, and monitoring simplify the process, allowing organizations to accelerate time-to-market for their data-driven initiatives. Whether it's deploying new models or scaling infrastructure, Shakudo ensures smooth and efficient operations.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: By optimizing data processing and enabling organizations to leverage LLMs internally, Shakudo enhances operational efficiency, enabling faster insights and decision-making.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Shakudo eliminates the need for expensive external APIs and minimizes infrastructure overhead, resulting in significant cost savings for organizations.
  • Support and Updates: With ongoing support and regular updates, Shakudo ensures that organizations always have access to the latest technology and assistance, empowering them to stay ahead in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Common Challenges in Selecting Data Stack Tools and How Shakudo Addresses Them

In the realm of data stack tools, tech leaders often grapple with a plethora of options. Shakudo's platform serves as an operating system for data stacks, offering practical solutions to these challenges.

Simplified Decision-Making: The abundance of tools in the market can lead to decision paralysis. Shakudo's Data Stack Recommender Tool streamlines this process by tailoring recommendations to specific business needs. For instance, if a logistics company requires real-time route optimization, Shakudo might suggest tools like Mapbox for its mapping and navigation capabilities.

Seamless Integration: Integrating new tools into existing systems can pose compatibility issues. Shakudo mitigates this risk by thoroughly assessing compatibility upfront. This ensures that recommended tools seamlessly integrate into the current tech ecosystem. For instance, if an e-commerce platform seeks to incorporate a new customer relationship management (CRM) system, Shakudo ensures compatibility to avoid disruptions in sales operations.

By addressing these challenges directly, Shakudo empowers tech leaders to navigate the complexities of data stack selection with confidence and clarity.

How to Choose the Right Data Stack for Your Needs

Selecting the optimal data stack is crucial for organizations aiming to harness the power of their data effectively. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a data stack:

  • Business Objectives: Align your data stack with your specific business goals. Consider whether you prioritize real-time data processing, advanced analytics, or seamless data integration. Shakudo's Data Stack Recommender Tool takes these objectives into account to provide tailored recommendations.
  • Scalability: As your data volumes grow, your data stack should be able to scale effortlessly. Look for tools that can handle increasing data loads without compromising performance. Shakudo ensures scalability by recommending tools designed to handle large-scale data processing, such as Apache Spark or Snowflake.
  • Compatibility: Ensure that the chosen data stack components integrate seamlessly with your existing infrastructure. Shakudo thoroughly assesses compatibility before making recommendations, minimizing integration challenges and ensuring a smooth transition.
  • Security and Compliance: Shakudo prioritizes data stack tools that adhere to stringent security standards and offer robust access control mechanisms, helping organizations maintain data confidentiality and meet regulatory requirements.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Consider the total cost of ownership when selecting a data stack. Shakudo offers cost-effective solutions by recommending tools that optimize resource utilization and minimize infrastructure overhead. Additionally, Shakudo's ability to host LLMs internally eliminates the need for expensive external APIs.

By considering these factors and leveraging Shakudo's expertise, organizations can make informed decisions and choose a data stack that aligns with their unique requirements, setting the foundation for data-driven success.

Open Source vs. Proprietary Data Stack Tools

When building a data stack, organizations often face the choice between open source and proprietary tools. Open source data stack tools, such as the ELK stack or Apache Spark, offer several advantages:

  • Cost Savings: Open source tools are typically free to use, reducing licensing costs and enabling organizations to allocate resources to other areas of their data infrastructure.
  • Flexibility and Customization: Open source tools provide the flexibility to modify and customize the codebase according to specific organizational needs. This allows for greater control and adaptability.
  • Community Support: Open source tools often have large and active communities that contribute to their development, provide support, and share best practices. This collective knowledge can be invaluable for troubleshooting and innovation.

On the other hand, proprietary data stack tools offer their own benefits:

  • Dedicated Support: Proprietary tools often come with dedicated support teams that provide assistance and troubleshooting, ensuring a smoother user experience.
  • Seamless Integration: Proprietary tools are often designed to integrate seamlessly with other tools from the same vendor, reducing compatibility issues.
  • Enhanced Features: Proprietary tools may offer advanced features and functionalities that are not available in open source alternatives, catering to specific industry or use case requirements.

Shakudo recognizes the value of both open-source and proprietary tools and offers recommendations based on the specific needs of each organization. By leveraging Shakudo's expertise, organizations can make informed decisions and build a data stack that combines the best of both worlds.

How to Implement Shakudo's Recommendations into Your Workflow

Deploying Shakudo offers a streamlined approach to utilizing industry-leading data and AI tools with minimal effort. Here's a clear pathway for integrating Shakudo within any Kubernetes-based infrastructure, such as EKS, GKE, AKS, or on-premises setups:

Step 1: Initiate Contact with Shakudo

Begin by reaching out to Shakudo's sales team. This initial discussion will help you understand how Shakudo can meet your specific business needs and what deployment options are most suitable for your infrastructure.

Step 2: Plan Your Deployment

Once your needs are identified, Shakudo's team will assist in planning the deployment on your chosen Kubernetes-based infrastructure, ensuring compatibility and optimizing for your specific setup.

Step 3: One-Click Installation

With Shakudo, you can deploy the best-of-breed data and AI tools with a single click. This simplicity is a major advantage over traditional manual deployments, as Shakudo automates most of the setup processes.

Step 4: Automate and Innovate

With the deployment complete, Shakudo takes over the routine management tasks, automating updates, integrations, and maintenance. This automation allows your team to focus on creating significant business value through advanced data analysis and application development.

Step 5: Scale and Adapt

As your business requirements grow and evolve, Shakudo adapts seamlessly. You can scale your operations or integrate new tools without additional complex setups, keeping your infrastructure flexible and responsive.

Continued Support and Evolution

Shakudo ensures you have ongoing support and access to the latest updates in data and AI technology. This continuous evolution of the platform means your business stays at the cutting edge with minimal internal overhead.

By choosing Shakudo, tech leaders can significantly reduce the operational complexities typically associated with deploying and managing advanced data tools, allowing them to leverage cutting-edge technologies effortlessly.

| Stack Components

Hundreds of Tools, Thousands of Connectors — One Click Away

Shakudo provides seamless integration with over 100 leading data stack components, catering to the most demanding enterprise needs.

| WHy SHakudo

Shakudo Standardizes Data Stack Environment Configurations and Automates Enforcement

Cloud compute management and autoscaling
Multi-GPU and multi-cluster orchestration and auto-scaling policies
Organizational resource management constraints and policies
Storage (both long term data storage and operational real time data stores)
Network policies that allow the stack components to work together
Identity, access control and secret management, including common secrets across tools
Software package versions
Logging, monitoring and alerting
Platform-wide audit trails and data lineage that span the entire stack

Backed by enterprise-grade security

Shakudo is deployed as a Kubernetes cluster inside the customer’s cloud or on-prem infrastructure. This means there is no data egress, and every aspect of your data can be wrapped with user-level data and privacy controls.
Learn more >

Single sign-on

Securely integrate with your identity provider and enable users to log in with SSO.

SOC 2 Type I certified

We adheres to SOC 2 Type I standards for security, availability, and confidentiality.


Shakudo is deployed in your own cloud or on-prem infra. You own your own data.


The platform's architecture is designed to guarantee high availability, minimizing downtime.

trusted by the leaders including


Driving Innovation Across Industries

Testimonial Image

| global real estate investment

"Shakudo sits at the heart of QuadReal's Enterprise Data Platform (EDP). We chose Shakudo over alternatives because it gave us the flexibility to use the data stack components that fit our needs knowing that we can evolve the stack to keep up with the industry. Deployment was a breeze compared to other Enterprise deployment cycles and we're very happy with the outcome."

Neal Gilmore

Senior Vice President, Enterprise Data & Analytics
@ QuadReal Property Group
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| climate-based financial risk

"With the help of the Shakudo platform, we were able to massively scale our production pipelines, while working collaboratively to meet our product goals."

Andrew Wiebe

Chief Science Officer @ RiskThinking.AI
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| Digital Experience Intelligence

"Almost overnight, Shakudo's product helped us move past many of those struggles so we could focus on solving business problems instead of scaling infrastructure."

Adam Dille

SVP of Product & Engineering @ Quantum Metric
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| Energy payments platform

"Not very often I find slam dunk products like Shakudo!"

Mike Kirkup

Chief Technology Officer @ EnPowered

Use data and AI products inside your infrastructure

Chat with one of our experts to answer your questions about your data stack, data tools you need, and deploying Shakudo on your cloud.
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